
By Beewriter

Channnel Bee

I had a lie in today and a lazy morning. When I eventually got myself into gear I headed off into town. I picked up my flip flops...they will be perfect for the wedding. I then trekked across town and met up with Tracy at MOSI, she had taken Max and Freya there. They had been there a while and were ready to head off so I only had a quick look in the Air and Space Museum and the main entrance. We took some pics for the TV tree and watched a great Science display. I had a mooch around Spinningfields then headed home.

For once Pat wasn't golfing...catch me as I we went to The Secret Garden...yes again!!!...and we had afternoon tea outside. They had run out of cherry scones so they whipped up another batch as we ordered and they were ready by the time we had finished the can't get fresher than that. When we fancied another cuppa we decided to go back to Pat's, I drove home then walked down so that I could walk off the scone.

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