
By biddy

My unwinding place. 17:00.

A lot of people coming and going today
The gas fire had its annual service,.
Then a friend of mine from the French. Conversation group came this afternoon and we had a lovely catch up. She brought a pretty Kalanchoe in a ceramic pot.
Just after she had gone a young man came to service our burglar alarm.
It had gone off accidentally a couple of times recently until we found out it was due to a power cut, when our next door neighbours’ son let us know. Stephen had gone round to apologise for the noise!
I’m sitting in the summerhouse writing this before teatime.
This evening we have our small group at 19:00 from
I will go to bed after that as they leave before 21:00.
Stephen makes pizza when they arrive, as they’ve all been at work.
Not much time to catch up with your blips then this evening.
See you tomorrow!

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