
By Winsford

Ladies who ...

Our u3a general meeting takes place on the third Wednesday of the month. Today's speaker was VC who was speaking about the work which Friends of Blair Atholl Station are doing. This is the wider project which the research that VC & I did on railway workers is part of. The talk was interesting and well attended. 

I had my yoga class in the morning, which was especially good after all my city walking and bus journeys. 

VC had suggested we have lunch at the theatre in between times along with a couple of other members of the class. No persuasion was necessary as it a) would save going back home to have lunch and coming out again, b) give us a chance to chat and c) allow us to try out the new theatre lunch time menu. I went for the chicken bau buns which were very tasty. 

I am now getting ready for my Gaelic class - there has been a lot  of new grammar to get our heads around this week - first person conditional tenses, who, what, which questions with prepositional pronouns, using 's ann for emphasis, further practice of reported speech and not forgetting to make our broad D's and T's suitably dental !  

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