We needed Mountain Rescue!
The route from Steel Rigg, along the north of Hadrian's Wall, north via the Pennine Way and back via Greenlee Lough, is one of my favourites.
We were about half way around when my friend Steve felt poorly. He was pale and clammy and felt faint. He had an irregular pulse (a new thing for him).
It was soon obvious that he could not continue so I called for Mountain Rescue. It is such a brilliant system. You are put through to the police who handle the first call, then you have a call back from the Mountain Rescue operational commander for the day. He makes an assessment and deploys the crews.
Three vehicles came from the North of Tyne Mountain Rescue and from the Northumberland National Park Mountain Rescue. The paramedic leading the teams is a farmer who lives on a nearby farm. We were on her uncle's farm land. They were all lambing!
We had Steve lying down and well covered in space blankets and a bivvy bag around his feet. He improved a bit, but needed to be transferred to the RVI for more tests. The ambulance managed to come along the very bumpy farm tracks.
We had sent the main party of walkers onwards and five of us stayed with Steve. Two walked towards the cars because one has a four wheel drive and we did not know how long the rescue would take.
In the event, the team was with us in less than an hour.
The remaining walkers hitched a lift back to Steel Rigg with the crews.
Another "disaster" struck. I threw my back pack into the boot and closed it while I took this photo. The key was in the pack and the boot jammed. John drove me home for the spare key - thank goodness I could find that - and then back to Steel Rigg. We confused the other walkers.
I was very glad to enjoy a half of Sycamore Gap at Twice Brewed, then home.
Christine and Henry sorted out Lesley's car. Henry drove it and Christine followed to leave it at Steve and Lesley's house.
Hope you kept up with the drama!
PS We successfully used the What3Words app to give our location. Everyone should put it on their phone, just in case.
PPS There was great hilarity when the Swaddles' space blanket fell apart as it was opened. Mine is years old so will need replacing too.
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