Segregation is in!
Integration is out: welcome back to the pre-50s era when "coloreds" had to use separate facilities... Again, I wish I were kidding.
Verbatim from an article by NPR (National Public Radio -- a trusted public agency hanging on to life under tRump by the barest thread...) : "the federal government no longer explicitly prohibits contractors from having segregated restaurants, waiting rooms and drinking fountains. The memo explains that the General Services Administration is making changes prompted by President Trump's executive order on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) which repealed an executive order signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 regarding federal contractors and nondiscrimination."
Adding insult to injury, the process used to institute these changes, without a typical public notice or comment period of 45 to 90 days, is usually reserved for national emergencies. As with most everything else this administration is doing, it is essentially ramming things through, hoping no-one will notice...
It is so very difficult to remain optimistic...
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