The Wide Wednesday challenge hosted by BobsBlips has the theme " animal/s scene" so Ive blipped my lovely boy Tino. He was relaxing on my bed this afternoon... oblivious to the fact that I would soon be scooping him up and " stuffing " him into his cat basket and wheeling him off to the vets. I managed to get him into the basket without any trouble... although he did howl and cry all the way down to the vets. When we got into the waiting room there was a huge German Shepherd dog already in there and it started barking loudly which didn't help Tino's stress levels ... or mine.
The appointment was for a 6 monthly check up with a veterinary nurse. I had received an e mail asking me to make the appointment. Tino has never had a 6 monthly check up before - always just been the yearly visit for booster jab etc. It proved to be rather pointless as Tino doesn't have any health problems. Even the nurse said as much herself. I had already decided not to take Lily for her 6 monthly check up when its due but I don't think I will take Tino either next time his is due.
My route to and from the vets took me through the park. The weather was lovely and it was very pleasant in the park. Ive added an Extra of a couple of shots I took there.
When I got home Tino was out of his carrier quick as a flash. He had something to eat and went to bed soon after. Hes still fast asleep at 11pm.
Ive added another Extra of a blipmeet I went to on 19th March 2016.It came up on my Facebook memories.
L -R are Shaaamie, Me, Shygirl73, Meancoast, GailyWhaley, yeeeeed and davidc
Steps today - 7,957
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