rhiannon's journal

By rhiannon


today was another day of saying byes and not doing a lot. the ugly head of work politics reared it's head and i was happy and really quite relieved to be leaving.
on my way into work i realised that tomorrow was my last day and i did such a big smile to myself that my face felt strange!
Carlos sent me some info about the meaning of where i am moving to and i thought it was quite nice. "Threave is thought to originate from the Old Welsh word ‘tref’ meaning homestead” = any dwelling with its land and buildings where a family makes its home.
“When society comes to value one child more truly, we shall have, for every community, a country homestead where that child can go, who needs special encouragement. It will not be a penal place, nor even a place of reform, but it will be held out, rather, as a dear delight and a reward. But when society values the child enough, and realises what the child means to the State, and what the home means to the child, it will provide even better, for then the child will have, in its own home, all that a home should give.... There will be safety. There will be the chance to be well, to be pure; room to grow and breathe in; the sacred privacy of the home circle—all those things that are the birthright of every child. And there will be, in some way, beauty, to which the soul of the child naturally turns, as does a plant to the light.” Albion Fellows Bacon (1865–1933), U.S. social worker and housing reform advocate. Beauty for Ashes, ch. 12 (1914)."

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