The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Newcastle Win Cup

Out to the Traverse for one of their Play, Pie & Pint events - Eilidh Eilidh Eilidh. Except that they’ve moved PP&P to Traverse One. And, being a bigger venue, it outstrips their pie capacity. So no pie. And with no pie, I don’t fancy buying a pint which was previously bundled in the price. Besides it’s one of my 5:2 days so a pint is probably off limits. 
Anyway, look who’s here right in front of me: ’tis none other than esteemed Edinburgh theatre critic, Hugh Simpson. I say esteemed because he’s held in high esteem. By me and Rog anyway, as he’s a fellow Hearts season ticket holder. And not everyone can say that. That’s a select bunch. 
I’m holding the camera way down low so he appears bigger than he actually is. Huge Simpson.

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