Wild Wednesday ...
... Ribbit.
For the last full day of Winter today was absolutely perfect with temps in the low 70's F. And we took full advantage of that!
In the morning I sat in the greenhouse photographing the birds and squirrels. And after lunch I caught up on the few things in the house.
Because the weather was so perfect we decided to have our first picnic supper at Jacobsburg State Park ... which is now called Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center! As that's a mouthful I'm still going to reference it here as a State Park ... and it's still listed in the state park system.
Anyway ... we went up a little early to check out the vernal pool again for wood frogs. That one still didn't show any signs of the wood frogs so we will have to keep checking.
After returning to the car we called up our favorite nearby deli to order sandwiches for our picnic supper. We enjoyed our sandwiches at the picnic pavilion before taking the short walk to the frog pond nearby. We didn't think this one had any wood frogs in it until I finally spied the one in my collage. He/she is the only one we saw today. Please have a look full screen.
On the way home we stopped at Louise Moore County park for a longer walk ... needing to walk off all those carbs I ate! And then we made a quick stop at Walmart for a few things before returning home for the night.
Spring starts tomorrow (5:01am) and I couldn't be happier!
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