
By GracieG

Roman Camp (and another cat).

H and I enjoyed some beautiful sunny weather on a walk from Roman Camp this morning.  We walked up Incleborough Hill where we had a splendid (and rather hazy) view of the coast across to Cromer and could just make out the revolving beam from the lighthouse.  My main blip was one of the paths at the beginning of the walk.

We passed a few cottages en-route and this beautiful petite cat came out to greet us.  She was a little timid but affectionate and was happy to let us stroke her.  If Ziggy had seen her then I think it would have been love at first sight. 

This afternoon I joined B, H & M at Cley Church for one of their 'Thursday at Three' classical concerts.  This week's concert featured Circles of Songs, the first half composed by Schuman.  The second half was five songs by Schubert, linked with the singing of five contemporary songs, including some by Eva Cassidy & Sting chosen by the bass soloist and the pianist.  Again, all for just a donation and including some excellent cake and a cup of tea...simply marvellous.

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