A life celebrated today.
Today a service to celebrate the life of P.M.W. in our local church.
One of my oldest friends.
We met at school, aged 5.
This photo was taken on her wedding day.
I was a bridesmaid and MrC an usher.
It doesn’t seem two minutes since they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary, on New Years Eve 2016.
A wonderful surprise party held in the village hall. (See Blip)
This photo was on the back of the order of service, along with a moving tribute to P. by her husband.
Finished with the following paragraph:
‘ So with a heavy heart on this very sad day I say farewell and thank you P. For our wonderful life together. You will always be on my mind.’
Today is International Day of Happiness.
We say ‘ Thank you’ to P. for bringing happiness to many.
Also today is the Spring Equinox. A beautiful warm sunny day. Highest temperature so far this year. 18C.
That certainly makes everyone happy.
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