My happy little life

By khoola

Seaside silliness

Lovely day at the seaside with silly friends, crazy kids and mental dogs

A small selection of the interrogation I was subjected to on the way home:

"When will I die?"
"When will you die?"
"What happens when I die?"
"Why do owls die?"
"Where do owls live?"
"Why can't I have a pet owl?"
"What are all the animals I could have as a pet?"
"What would happen if a mouse ran too fast?"
"Why does my toe hurt?"
"When is it New Year's Eve?"
"How old are you?"
"When will you be 40?"
"Will my eyes always be blue?"
"How big am I?"
"Why does the car need diesel?"
"What's diesel made from?"
"What do those numbers mean?"
"What's for tea?"
"Why do you decide what's for tea?"
"Are we nearly there yet??"

Time for vodka fuelled list-making for next week

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