
By barbarathomson

Farfield Mill

 Going away for a few days does not require the huge effort of a major break but there is generally a compressed period of a few hours running around in small circles to buy petrol, get packed, the washing up done and pick up all the emails that suddenly appear out of the blue, before the off! There is always a moment when you think, ‘It will be mid-night before I can start!’
I drove over to Sedbergh in the afternoon to join family having a break from the stress of moving house. Fortuitously, friends of my sister were away and said we could use their house. It’s a little way outside Sedbergh at Farfield Mill, which is a fascinating place in its own right. The house is beautiful, long and old, part of the Mill complex, with creaking oak floors and large low ceilinged rooms overlooking a sheltered budding garden, grassy fields and the Howgills in the background. However, the immediate joy of the house is that it faces South and has a glassed area and open porch to bask in, so when I arrived there was tea and lemon drizzle cake and calm. And more glorious Spring sunshine flooding in than a tropical island.

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