Back again
At 7am I heard mom calling for help. When I went into her room she was kneeling by her bed. I presume she was trying to get up and, I’m sure, has slowly and gradually slipped off the soft bed and ended up kneeling on the soft floor.
I helped her up (she didn’t need much help) and she went to the toilet and walked back again by herself and went back to bed.
Two hours later she woke up complaining of a sore leg. I had the paracetamol in my hand when the care team arrived.
I had no option but to tell them how I found mom and they immediately said “so she’s had a fall”.
I knew where this was going to lead. Especially when they started saying “well it looks like one leg is slightly longer than the other” - and clearly she was lying at an angle and not straight.
Anyway, they called for an ambulance. The only nice thing about that was one of the crew was Katie Allan. I had taught her younger sister, Molly, in my class in yr3/4, many years ago. Seemingly Molly’s horse is about to have a foal any day!
It was lovely seeing her and catching up a little.
Back in A&E
Xray showed no break (not surprised), but mom was too dizzy to stand up (probably because she had not enough sleep, not enough to drink and had nothing to eat and had been lying down from last night till 4pm - but what would I know!) so they would not discharge her and instead we waited till 11pm before they managed to get her a bed in the Acute Assessment Unit.
Unlike our last stay in A&E where I could not fault them, this time we were offered a drink only twice in the 12 hours we were waiting and not one materialised.
And sitting in the corridor we felt utterly ignored! And I felt angry and sad watching old folk on their own not knowing where they were or what was happening, just being left and told to stay where they were.
We were finally given a drink and a snack at 10:30pm.
Once mom was settled on the ward and I had given some info over, I left at 11:30pm
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