Christine came to visit today to meet Conor. Grandma told Orla that Christine loves playing games, so Orla had her playing cricket at the earliest opportunity. This is a shot of Orla bowling me out! Earlier on in the day we had gone to Rounday Park. We didn't realise but there was a big fair at the park today. Orla was desperate to go and we were going to take her after having a picnic lunch, but the queue was so massive we just didn't have time. She was disappointed, but we took her to a playground instead. We had a lovely barbecue for dinner with fruit salad for dessert. Conor was very interested in the food, so I gave him a bit of melon to suck on. He was really going for it.

Orla lost another tooth last night, this time one of the front bottom ones. We don't know what happened to it, but the tooth fairy came anyway. She left a very shiny one pound coin in a very special pretty box with flowers on the top. The tooth fairy left it with Grandma and she gave it to Orla.

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