
By Rickety

Photo Backlog

Once upon a time I was a woman who carefully stuck photos into albums with labels and witty comments stuck alongside. Then, almost ten years ago, I had a baby and organising and mounting photos came very low down in my list of priorities, which was ironic as I was now taking hundreds of pictures of my cherished firstborn. Every now and again I would look forlornly at accumulating shoe boxes of photos and vow to get started. Five years later another baby came along and, like the pile of ironing that gets bigger and bigger, it was too mammoth a task to start so it was left, although I now had digital photos of cherished secondborn saved and backed up in all kinds of places. This week, with the kids safely ensconced at Grandma's, I tried to make a start on those photos of 2003. Alas, I have not got very far as I am completely flummoxed as to how to present them. All the self adhesive albums I made in the 90s are now yellowing at the edges (glue gone skanks by all accounts) so bit reluctant to spend my time mounting these photos into albums which will just do the same. Have spent far too much time on computer researching what to do.....slip-in pockets, adhesive corners, acid-free, lignin-free....and am still none the wiser and so the photos remain unseen (but neatly ordered) in shoe boxes.

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