
By jimbo2750

Daisy’s by Lily.

Blipped from yesterday.
Lily off school yesterday not feeling well.
So it was some home projects to keep her occupied.
Think she did not bad (but I’m biased).

Extra of “Chernobyl Prayer” the book I’ve just finished.
To say this book is thought provoking is an understatement !!
This was certainly an eye opener to what happened to these poor souls who were completely unaware of the effects of this nuclear disaster.
If you ever get a chance to read this please do so.
It’s not an easy book to read but it shows the lengths the government’s will take to ensure the public are kept in the dark.
Need I say more !
God forbid it happens again.
We were lucky this time, well some of were.

Anyway after all that have a pleasant weekend folks.

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