Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hummie fly-by

You knew I wouldn't be able to stay away from the hummie shots for long, didn't you? I just can't resist them. I was out for about an hour today with the D600 and my 28-300 lens - I wanted to get some close up insect/bee shots and that is the closest I've got to an actual macro lens. I got some shots I was happy with and they are posted HERE on Flickr (first 10 shots are today's). Some bees, a spider, a moth and several other hummer shots.

I picked this shot today because I like the colors in it and when I look back on it in the cold hummer-less winter, I'll surely smile. I can't think of a better reason to select a photo, can you? My alternate pick today is a full-frontal shot of one of the juvenile males, showing his first two big-boy red neck feathers.

I heard what I am fairly certain were fledgling chipping sparrows in the woods behind the house. I saw three birds flitting in the undergrowth but didn't get a clear enough look for an id - but I'm putting my money on chipping sparrows. I also heard the wrens in the edge of the woods today - guess mama is still here with her latest brood, showing them the ropes. Next up will be the goldfinches - they don't breed until the thistles are "ripe" as that is their major source of food. That makes them the latest breeder of the season here.

Lots of work today, including some time with my favorite client, so a good day!

Happy Thursday...


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