
By Schoenies


Today was a dull, overcast day with drizzle at times. I love my garden after some rain so couldn't resist this photo of the lovely orange Hibiscus.
It's a public holiday here today so the pace was slower.
This morning I weeded two large patches of garden that have been irritating me for some time, and swept up a lot of ash from yesterday's veld fire. Thankfully it seems to be out today.
Hubby and I went out to lunch where, as usual, I enjoyed Calamari. We had a long lunch and discussed the two units we looked at the other day. At the end of lunch hubby was leaning towards the one I like, although it is smaller.  Daughter Penni wanted to fly down from Johannesburg for a few days and view the units with us (and act as mediator!!) but her furniture is hopefully arriving from New York next week so she can't make it. She is so busy that the first week she can come and see us is in May!  The way time is flying it will soon be here.

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