Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Temporarily Out of Commission

I have caught cold. My body lumbers heavily from bed to chair, sneezes, coughs, blows its nose, and falls asleep for ten minutes. My brain is a mound of wet cotton. Outside this body, it has been raining for days, eternities. I make half-assed efforts to read. Anything but the news, which is unbearable.

WalkingMarj recommends Ways of Seeing, John Berger (BBC Penguin Books, 1972):

We only see what we look at. To look is an act of choice. p. 8

The photographer’s way of seeing is reflected in his [sic] choice of subject…. Yet, although every image embodies a way of seeing, our perception or appreciation of an image depends also upon our own way of seeing. p. 10

I scroll through Blipfoto, confirming for myself what Berger says, sneeze, blow my nose, doze off again.

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