
By Bom


I bought some tulips when I was in town yesterday, you might see them again as they go over during the next week!  I walked into town first thing to post a birthday present....and the Post Office in Budgens was shut due to problems following a power 'cut' in Holt yesterday. At least one other shop was having problems with their computerised till. Assuming the IT just needed re-booting, I went to Boots to ask the pharmacist about a different hayfever tablet as mine doesn't appear to be working well this year. There's a new one called Allevia which is stronger, but unfortunately it's a large tablet (I can't swallow large tablets) and can't be chewed. So I went back to the Post Office and all was working ok. It was the U3A photo group meeting this afternoon, including an excellent talk by one of the members on his favourite photographer, Don McCullin. 

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