
By SparseRunner


This morning we got up early, so that A could walk Django before I took her into the Royal Infirmary for more tests. I then went to mum's flat where I tidied up the last half bin-bag of rubbish so that my mate Andy AKA "Dustbusters" could clean it. He arrived on time and after a brief chat I left him to it and left for work.

On my way over to work, I tied my martenitsi to a flowering tree, as per the Bulgarian pagan custom. The simple one was given to me by И, and the fancy one is courtesy of her mother. 

After discussing last night's NVIDIA talk with PhD student B, I started writing some documentation to support the major new feature in yesterday's v1.10.0 release of HiGHS. At lunchtime I had a call with a former PhD student of mine, who works for a major optimization software company. We've not spoken directly for years, but there was too much - relating to this week's NVIDIA announcement - to put into emails. After that I worked on the documentation until it was time for another talk from the big NVIDIA meeting, and a follow-on discussion about it with B.

I checked on the flat before getting the bus, and Andy's done a great job: all the dust has been busted!

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