Home Sweet Home
………………………………again! We were up and had the cars packed by about 9.30 this morning so decided to have a round of Adventure Golf before leaving. I think I came second this time…though there were 3 joint firsts! The boys wanted pancakes before they went swimming so we fitted in a visit to the Pancake House before we said our goodbyes and headed home. We headed home via the scenic route, though a Sat Nag disagreement meant we didn’t quite take the route planned! I was back at mine by 5.30pm…all unpacked and ready to switch the washer on in the morning. A good time was had by all and we certainly hit lucky with the weather.
I hadn’t taken any photos today and hoped to see more flowers out when I got home but it obviously hasn’t been as warm here as it was in the west this week. The hyacinth has grown though so you get to see it again.
Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.
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