
By strawhouse


It’s my birthday today.
I can’t quite believe I’m fifty-one!
I don’t mind getting older at all - Dom died suddenly at fifty so I’m more than aware that every day older we get is a privilege - but fifty-one? Surely I’m still thirty-two-ish!!
It felt very odd Miss L not being here. First time in sixteen years I’ve had a birthday without her. I hope she didn’t get too cold last night!!
Mr K didn’t cover himself in glory this morning, oversleeping so I didn’t even get a birthday cup of tea before the car boot sale.
I got a few bits to sell and some gorgeous French bowls for myself as a little birthday treat.
Then it was home to pick up Miss E before heading to Burford Garden Centre for lunch and a look at all the lovely things.
So many lovely things!!!!
The food was delish as usual followed by yummy cake.
As usual, I walked around daydreaming about winning the lottery. I’d be back with several huge vans!!
I bought myself a lovely jug from Musango who I follow on Instagram. I love their colourful pottery and will be filling a trolley with it just as soon as I win the lottery!
In the fabulous bookshop, Miss E bought me a book I’ve wanted for ages - The Garden Against Time. She introduced me to it in Gulp Fiction ages ago and I’ve been waiting for it to come out in paperback. So looking forward to reading it!
Home for dinner - Chinese for Miss E, Waitrose dine-in for me and Mr K (prawn cocktail, fish pie, herby veg and posh rice pudding). Delicious!!!! I was so full, I could hardly move.
We watched Ticket to Paradise which I love. Miss E very sweetly stayed to watch it with us even though it’s really not her sort of thing!!
I got some lovely presents - tulips and bubble bath from Miss E, as well as my book and the most fabulous flower bookmark she crocheted for me; daffodils and a watercolour from Mr K by the same artist as the one Miss E got me for Christmas. Both need to be Blipped! Mum got me afternoon tea at the Randolph Hotel in Oxford.
I thought about Dom a lot today. I always used to joke on my birthday that I was catching him up. Now I’ve overtaken him which is a sad thought.
Also inspiring as it reminds me that need to make the most of every single day!

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