Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Bloomin' Lovely

Was up early for the Gas Engineer to finish off some bits and bobs, so got stuck into up-cycling some more old items.

After lunch decided a walk to a not so nearby Garden Center was a good idea, until some bright spark one decided we should take a short cut through a few too many field/s, and ended up taking forever - it was like walking through a jungle of uneven terrain, grasses up to our armpits, jaggy nettles, bramble thorns, and those little awful black thunderflies everywhere. Have the scratches to prove it and we probably ended up walking double the distance than if we'd walked the more sensible path.

A bit further on, we walked into my Mum, she was out for a stroll not wanting to waste such lovely weather, and came along with us. Shouldn't really complain of the length of the walk, as I managed to loose 2 and a half pounds at Weight Watchers tonight, which made up for the last two weeks of my weight staying the same.

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