Planters and daffodils
Having spent the evening collecting two parcels which have had more adventurous times than desirable in the process of getting from sender to me, I had intended to demonstrate the items were finally in my possession, but I decided on a more cheerful picture instead
I wrote the first paragraph just before midnight last night - foolishly whilst my blood sugars were doing stupid things, and I was coaxing them back into good behaviour before sleep. I'd attempted to explain why this view makes me cheerful as I walk past it on my way to my work building, but failed spectacularly to be coherent!! (Low blood sugars do that to my brain.)
Before I moved to a more academically inclined classroom based role, I was the main support staff for a number of years for the students who did motor vehicle and trades skills work. I have no idea how many of those planters I've supported in the construction thereof, how many sentences I've coaxed out of the unwilling to commit pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, in the name of completing unit work, but I remember them all every time I walk past.
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