Let Me Tell You 'bout...

The Birds and the Bees
And a thing called...


Once upon a time the Common Blue Damselfly boy was feeling in the mood for lurve.

In preparation, he curled his long thin abdomen round under himself and deposited some sperm from his tail end into his accessory genitalia on the underside of his thorax.

"Hmm!" he said to himself "I need to grab me a gal." And he flew off to the other end of the pond where a drab coloured female Gommon Damselfly was sunning herself on a reed.

Using the claspers on the end of his abdomen he grabbed her behind her head, and in order to impress her, he flew around the pond with her in tandem.

"Mmm, Mmm! I think I fancy him! " She said, and they flew a little more.

On landing, she curled her long abdomen forwards under her and placed the end of it in his accessory genitalia, into the position known as 'The Wheel' (shown here,) where upon with some pulsating and gyrating the sperm were transferred into her abdomen and fertilisation of her eggs took place.


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