Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Friday: Looking Up At The Royal Marsden

Back at the Royal Marsden to discuss the results of K’s recent scans and next steps.

Some of you may have noticed that we have been regular visitors to the Royal Marsden recently.  The reason we left Belize a year early and why I have taken this year off work is because K’s follicular lymphoma, which she first had when we were in Vancouver, returned last year.

She will now need to undergo a course of chemotherapy and immunotherapy starting in a few weeks.  We always knew this was coming and the good news from today is that there is nothing we didn’t expect.  K has also been accepted on to a clinical trial.

We’ve been lucky in that K has had a choice in when to start treatment.  The general consensus is that there are benefits to doing it in the summer months, partly because lighter longer days help with mood, as well as there being less flu and cold viruses around.

It’s a good job I’ve been learning to cook!

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