Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

You will probably realise that not all the Silly Saturday Gang are in this photograph - well there is a story behind that, as of course, there would be!

Last night, Mrs. HCB had a slight accident, first of all when she took a cupful of milk out of the microwave and spilled it and then when she decided to unscrew the piece just under where the plug goes in on the sink in the kitchen.  Well, we were very surprised to see all the gunk that was underneath - and some of us just left her to it.  But others, who felt more kindly disposed, stayed to help her clean up the mess and what a mess it was.  

What Mrs. HCB had forgotten though, was that if you take out the seals from the plug hole then the water goes where?  You got it - straight down the pipe and overflows!  The cupboard underneath the sink was awash and all this time where was Mr. HCB?  In the lounge watching football!  Fortunately, while Mrs. HCB was ferrying all the wet stuff to put it outside the back door to dry, her lovely neighbour, Lynn, came over, was very kind and got down on her hands and knees and wiped up all the water.  We don’t think Mrs. HCB will make that mistake again!

Meanwhile, Mr. HCB was still enjoying football but we did hear Lynn and Mrs. HCB laughing, so it couldn’t have been too bad.  Suffice to say that Mrs. HCB was very late doing her Blip commenting and eventually went to bed at 1.25 a.m.  We can remember when she used to go out partying and not get in until that time, which is very silly - but such is the folly of the young!

This morning, some of us very kindly offered to help Mr. HCB in his greenhouse, while the others were still catching up on their beauty sleep, and you can see him showing us one of his seeds that has come up - quite honestly, all the seeds look the same to us - but not, obviously, to an experienced gardener like Mr. HCB who tells us that it was a “Cream Sausage” Tomato.  How silly is that?  We’re sure that Admirer would really giggle if she heard the name of that tomato!  It was quite warm in the greenhouse and we enjoyed the little lesson that Mr. HCB gave us - and we also enjoyed listening to Classic FM, which Mr. HCB likes to listen to when he is in the greenhouse.  He seems to think, like King Charles, that plants need good music - we think that’s silly, and it would make dear Admirer giggle, but as Mr. HCB says “If it’s good enough for the King, then it’s good enough for me and my plants!”

You can see that we have all been very kind and helped Mr. HCB, so we just need to remind you all to BE KIND - in whatever way you can - you will never lose out by being kind and in fact, you may even find that you receive lots of kindness back.  Go on, try it - you might be surprised!

We hope you have a great week - and that the sun shines on you, wherever you are and maybe, if you have a greenhouse, you will be working out there, or even in your garden.

Love to you all from some of The Greenhouse Silly Saturday Gang and all the tired ones too! xxx 

P.S.  Mrs. HCB found a great quote she wanted to share with us all:

"Half your beauty comes from the way you speak - BE KIND."

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