
By flavia13


Went into town this morning with Hubby for a bit of shopping and a genral walk around.  Met a few people we knew so had quite a bit of a chat, which was lovely.

We also noticed that Grange Bakery is now re-opened and owned by Bryson's.  Bryson's are a well known local bakery and have shops in places like Bowness and Keswick.  The main site being Keswick I think, and I believe that is where all the baking is done, but not 100% certain about that.  It's good to see it open again.  So we bought a couple of cakes to sample, well it's our duty isn't to ensure that they are up to scratch and to support them!!!!

On the way back home about midday, we noticed how busy it was getting.  Well a nice warm and sunny day at that time you couldn't blame them all.  It was nice to see it busy and the way town and village centres should always be, not the ghost towns that many are becoming, very sadly.  

Hubby now up the allotment and I'm just workingon a vew route maps for the few trips that I will be making soon.  You can actually learn quite a lot from these as you discover places you didn't know about before.

Just general pottering now. Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

This is in the pot with the red primroses from yesterday's blip for my Mum for her early Mother's Day gift.  I think it's saxifrage, please do tell me if I've got that wrong.

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