
By JohnW

Bellpush for short people . . .

Many moons ago we had trouble with visitors/deliveries not pushing the door bellpush hard enough to ring the bell, so I invested in an easy one to push and thought that I had solved the problem.
A short while ago a friend called and could not reach our bell push.
Oh dear.  Maybe that was the original problem.
I still had the old bellpush, and the old remote-controlled bell was still in situ, plus lots of double-sided tape – nothing to lose and two doorbells.
Our Evri  delivery lady was in stitches when she saw it.  She was having to hang onto the handrail to remain standing.  Apparently she had always had trouble reaching our doorbell, and her husband called her a short***e when she tried to reach things – she took a photo.
Our short friend has yet to return, but the bellpush has caused much jollity amongst most of our callers to date.
This little bit of silliness will have to do for this Saturday.

ps - I couldn't resist adding another 'Biskit Shot' at extra - 'Let sleeping dogs lie'

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