More DIY...
We went to Son#3's house today to do some more DIY, but of course also to see Grandson A who is now 10 months old (already!). He mastered getting around by bottom-bouncing or by slithering on his tummy a while ago but now he's crawling properly - and loves walking (albeit like a drunkard!) with someone holding his hands up. It won't be long before he's into absolutely everything!
You can see two DIY jobs here (both only partially done, I hasten to add!). On the left you can see the preparation for replacing a few kitchen tiles which had to be removed for the fitting of a new boiler some time ago. Access isn't easy so it's not my best filling job, no doubt it'll need a bit more work before I fit the tiles on another occasion.
On the right, I'm patching a hole in the plaster in their toilet. I boxed in some pipes there last year (hence the wood - still unpainted!) and in the process dislodged a bit of plaster which had previously been tackily repaired. I promised I'd do a better job sometime, so here's stage 1 thereof.
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