The lunchtime fitness session didn't happen today. Unsure why, but I was away last week and clearly missed an announcement as no-one turned up.
Anyway this proved to be to my benefit as I nipped back indoors and got the camera and went for a walk instead. It was decidedly hot so I was happy to do so in T-shirt & shorts - but it probably looked an odd combination: running gear and SLR.
A little off to one side of the route I had intended to take was a patch of ragwort absolutely packed with peacock butterflies. Given how much I'd had to sneak up on the one yesterday this felt a bit weird. I could have aimed the camera practically anywhere and caught two or three.
However, two slightly different ones caught my eye. The one on the left I'm happy is a Painted Lady, of which there were two in this patch.
The one on the right I'm not entirely sure of. The colour is of a Common Blue, but orange patches are rather distinct than the samples I'm looking at. My knowledge extends little further than browsing www.ukbutterflies.co.uk
Can someone advise?
In other news, I gave my 20th pint of blood today. Must just be pure beer that's running through the system now, then.
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