We always have an abundance of Downy Woodpeckers in our garden and today was no exception. Usually they tolerate each other but as breeding season approaches, tempers are running a little hot. This male showed up near one of the feeders where two females were flaring their wings at each other (in their minds, fearsome - to my eye, adorable). He raised his tiny crest in alarm and waited for the girls to sort themselves out. In a few months, we'll be on the lookout for fledgling woodpeckers who are on a whole other level of cute.
I ordered a raised garden planter this week which arrived today. It required a lot of assembly, some of which had to be guessed at since the directions were sadly lacking. With the help of Hubs, it is fully assembled now, just waiting for the dirt that I'll add this week. This is going to be my "critter garden" which will be dedicated to host plants for several species of caterpillar as well as squash for the squash bees and the squash vine borers. And how does this differ from my "regular" garden? Not all that much, really! See Extra for the finished planter being inspected for craftsmanship.
Meanwhile, northern NJ is fast becoming the epicenter of sink holes. When I was in Texas last month, a big sinkhole opened on Interstate 80 eastbound which has resulted in the entire side of the route being closed. Last week a sinkhole opened in about the same area on westbound 80, rendering both sides closed. And yesterday a major north/south interstate was closed in one direction for yet another sinkhole. It's crazy. What's even more crazy is the there are hundreds of old mines in this area, most over 100 years old, and many under the interstates. I am grateful that we don't have to commute into NYC, but I feel for those who do, who are being rerouted all over the place and sitting in ridiculous traffic.
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