
By gennepher


I was overtired today. No sleep last night.

I got a phone call yesterday, I did not know the number so I checked it up. It is from a debt collection agency and apparently was genuine,  said online research, 4,000 people said so....
That was me panicking something soft because I don't owe anyone any money... checked on my many money agencies, Experian etc and they say no problem  anywhere....

Well, later in the day came a text from exactly the same number, and said it was for my Hyundai car, and said that it needed a service, and I had to book my service through this  firm, so I go onto Hyundai garage to which I got my car from. And there was nothing in the website or on search to say anything about them arranging car services anymore...

I tried to book the service through the text, but it would only allow a paying option for booking the service of my car. And I had to put my credit card details in before it would proceed further.. .

Well, I'm obviously not going to do that because the car is leased and comes under the mobility lease, so therefore the service is free under the Mobility lease....

I hate all this technology.....

I think my body just gave up....

Also, I went on the Council site to apply for something one of the services they give, now that we are having a three weekly bin collection. Talk about problems getting in. I do have an account with the council. First of all, my account told me that all residents had to re-verify themselves, and this was something they were doing every few years, but there was nothing I had to do now because I would have to wait until they contacted me..

First of all, it would not accept my address, and told me I was of no fixed abode....oh blimey.  I kept trying for about half an hour and eventually it agreed I lived at my address. Then it went to another box and said why do you need the service? Do you want to apply for it under these initials or do you want to apply under those  initials. I had no idea what the initials were shortened abbreviations for...There was no explanation. In the end, I went Eenie Meenie Minnie Mo. And I gave my reason in the box for wanting this service. Immediately in the blink of an eye "Success, the service is granted your pink bags and your orange box will arrive when it is ready!!!!!"

Creative is a kaleidoscope from my garden, but I've walked. I have no idea.

Night night, it will soon be the the bewitching  hour...

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