And The Winner Is...
It's a daily battle, w/me trying to keep the Crows from devouring every tiny morsel of BarkButter. I certainly don't mind, and even expect them to partake in the daily offerings at the feeders. But, as per usual the Crows have gotten greedy, very greedy! They arrive en masse, quickly emptying the feeders shortly after I fill them. I've been waiting until later in the morning to fill the feeders but they've figured out that tactic, of course and just wait to visit a bit later. This morning I tried distracting them with raw peanuts. But those were scooped up in mouthfuls of 3 or 4 peanuts for each of the 4 or so crows. The poor squirrels were unimpressed!
So a 'contest' was held to see who could pick up the most peanuts. This girl won, wings down! She stuffed four large peanuts into her beak, the first of the four almost hidden in her throat. Then off she flew! m
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