Family lunch
Granny and Grandpa have had a busy day today, preparing and serving lunch for our middle son and his family plus The Traveller and his girlfriend. It has to be said that our boys (men) have very large appetites! No matter how much I cook, there never seems to be much left by the time they’ve had second helpings for lunch and then come back for another plateful a few hours later. (Our platefuls by comparison look very modest.)
Now that the house is once again quiet (and tidy) we are relaxing until bedtime. We are both very tired, but not so tired that Granny couldn’t have a bit of fun for today’s blip.
We are temporarily storing in our playroom the dolls’ house which the girls have outgrown, so, by way of a change, I’ve borrowed some of their figures and accoutrements to illustrate today’s family gathering.
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