
By wingpig

notes to selves

I think I've gone Round the Forth at least once since there were Kelpies just to the right on the way into Grangemouth, but not since Longannet disappeared. The most recent time I set off with the intention of using up a day off I recall that clouds suddenly descended as I was nearing the bridge and had completely obscured not only Longannet's chimney but also most of Rosyth by the time I'd crossed, so I headed straight back across and went to drip slowly in the cinema instead. I should have checked what I'd written on the two Blip records thereof, wherein I would have seen two mentions of "pisstakingly cyclocrossy" and might have saved myself an hour and some annoyance by sticking to the proper road more rather than taking the wee rooty and stony paths to and from the actual coast. I half-considered diverting back via the Kelpies and canal to minimise the map-checking required but mostly stuck with the signed route except for Bo'ness and made it home ten minutes before anyone else.

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