Yesterday evening there was an unexpected thunderstorm over to the east of us, and though the rain wasn't too bad here I began to see social media posts about flash floods around Stratford. I was surprised to hear that the ground there was either too wet or too dry to accept a sudden downpour, but it must have been, because today part of the main A46 north of Stratford was closed due to flooding. Odder still though, the centre of town was absolutely fine when R went there this morning - the whole thing is inexplicable.
Here this morning the garden was sodden, and with the humidity so high that there was a slight mist hanging over the valley, everything stayed pretty wet for much of the day. It was cold as well, and generally rather unenticing, and I spent most of the day at my desk, only venturing out for twenty minutes or so around lunchtime in search of wet flowers.
When I bought this aubretia a couple of weeks ago it was barely even in bud, and I expected it to flower in the normal blue-mauve-purple range. I certainly had no idea that it was going to produce such violently pink flowers - what are they? Cerise? Magenta? - and if I'd known, I might well have passed it by. Perhaps they'll fade over time though. I can only hope.
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