In my yard! In the back lawn!
These crocus sprung up overnight. The sunshine and warmer temperature brought them out late yesterday afternoon and I never noticed them till this morning. I could see these patches of pale purple, not quite gray things on the lawn, near the shed. September is the earliest I have seen this garden, so I have no idea what might pop up in places. After breakfast I went outside to have a closer look, and sure enough several patches of crocus have naturalized in the lawn.
Alan made a rather devastating announcement at brunch today. His health has been steadily getting worse over the past several months. He has been having some breathing issues and now has to carry a puffer to use. As a result of his health issues, he may not be at brunch very much. He will continue to book the restaurants and take care of the money until the end of the year. After that, he said he may just disappear. I suspect he is considering MAID. Alan has been running the brunch group with me since 2014, so it will be a big loss. Plus he was my roommate from 2013 - 2022.
As a result of someone else posting on one of the Ask Nova Scotia groups on FB, I decided to get someone to tutor me on using Photoshop. I had my first session today. The only problem was, the one photo we were working on using Camera Raw, he hit 'done' and it disappeared. Even the copy that was on the memory stick disappeared. He had never had that happen before.
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