Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

Free Hand

I was behind this guy on the freeway this morning and, as usual, traffic was moving slowly enough to snap a picture through the windshield. If you think the back of the car is cool, you should have seen the rest of it. It's apparently the rolling testimonial to the work of the air-brush artist who drives it.

Since I can barely draw a straight line with a ruler, those people amaze me. I also like the people I often see at fairs, painting with spray cans.

I'm in the office late, blipping before heading home - K will have taken wee Gav to Karate so I'm not late for dinner, for once. My day has lived up to expectations so I'll be heading to the beer fridge as soon as I arrive, which means if I didn't blip now it likely wouldn't happen.

Here's to us.. . Wha's like us ....

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