It’s my birthday (again). Funny thing is I think I had one last year as well. That’s why we had a nice family gathering yesterday. I usually don’t want presents but who can say no to chocolates, home cooking and garden produce and some puzzle books.
I had 13 messages and a few phone calls plus 3 medical phone calls and visit to pathology for blood work and an ECG. My GP rang, I worked for her for 10 years so we get on well. Next the hospital admissions nurse rang and the anaesthetist wants me to go for a pre anaesthetic check on Thursday and then Vanessa rang from the local hospital. She and I worked closely together about 25 years ago. She is a physio and I am going in for some hydrotherapy.
I walked up to the pathology centre - it is only 400 metres away. When I got back I had awful pain in my hip and upper leg so haven’t done much else that wasn’t needed. Bob cooked roast lamb for dinner for my birthday and we finished up with chocolates. I might retire to bed and read as sitting isn’t great at the moment. It was a nice birthday.
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