Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


17yo and I headed into town to catch a film, with Black Bag being the best available option. We treated ourselves to a Pizza Express visit beforehand.The film was good - a contemporary, quite cerebral espionage story. 

We had a wander round town to see how the latest round of pedestrianisation, demolition and improvement projects were getting on. After a year of disruption things are more or less clear, which I think was the intent in terms of readiness for the City of Culture year. We paused in City Park to admire the refurbished Odeon, home of Bradford Live. It’s clearly finished and ready to open, but with the live music scene being what it is at the moment, the City is struggling to find a company ready to take on the running of the venue. Hopefully that will be resolved soon. Overall the city centre is looking pretty good, it just needs people to come into it, to make it feel like a thriving place.

I was tempted to ask 17yo to reenact a famous blip from a visit in 2017, but I didn’t push my luck. 

STOP PRESS: 6 hours after posting this blip came the good news that an operator for the venue has been found, and we should start seeing events here soon. 

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