
By ApeMcDoug10

3rd night, 3rd baby

This evening when I got up to go to my last night on L&D, I knew it would be great! I started by having dinner and coffee with the hubs beforehand. That must have really helped cause I didn't get tired once all night although I only had 1 delivery the entire time.

Tonight, I delivered my 3rd and final baby on my ObGyn rotation. Delivering 3 babies will be one of the biggest things I take away from this experience; most are lucky to get 1! I'll never forget the way it made me feel. There's something amazing about you being the first person to touch this new creation outside of mom; the first outsider, the first experience this child has with the world. Do you think it makes a difference in that child's life? Maybe, maybe not. Depends if you believe in fate or chaos theory. Mine, though? Yes. Definitely.

If you're still reading (which will be interesting to read later when I'm not 30% conscious) you should give your mom an extra hug and kiss. She sure did go through a lot to get you here, trust me.


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