Loch Tay and trees from Taymouth
With the mountain tops shrouded in cloud, Mr hazelh and I decided to complete two lower walks today.
For the first, we parked in Killin. The route began on the disused railway line, then took us up a forested hill to give great views over to the Tarmachan Ridge (where, unbeknown to us, another blipper was out walking with friends). The highlight of this first walk was spotting a red squirrel as he/she/it crossed the path ahead of us. Unfortunately we weren't quick enough to photograph him/her/it.
We took a break for a yummy lunch at the Courtyard café in Kenmore, then set off on a second walk. This one followed the River Tay east until we climbed up into the woods and turned westwards to return to the start of the route. There were no small mammals in evidence here, but plenty of birds instead.
Back at our accommodation, Mr hazelh beat me in a one-off 'friendly' game of Scrabble before dinner.
I have blipped Loch Tay from under the bridge in Kenmore. I like the O shape created by the reflection of the bridge in the water.
Exercise today: walking (20,570 steps).
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