Gosh. I am so blown away by all your lovely comments and hearts and stars. Thank you all. Needless to say I am tender this morning. My thighs especially. Hahaha. But I still took the jedi on the bike to nursery.
My big boy is away to a residential with rhe school. He is growing up. He was nervous and said he would miss us loads. He will have a fantastic time and it will be a great experience for him.
On the way back with the jedi we came across this injured beauty of a bullfinch. Spoke to the bird people who said to give it water when I go home and stick it in a box and I was to call them back. Well the wee thing did pretty well wrapped in a blanket with his head poking out. Travelling in the trailer with the jedi. And then when we got to my front door it jumped out and got under the fence and I couldn't get it again.
It's been busy since I got home. The jedi had occupational therapy come to the house and Mr R had Harp up at paeds for her appointment.
I've added a extra of my jedi and xander crossing the finish line with us.
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