Not into it...

Bella and I had a perfectly splendid day together, but her favorite part of it was not the concert in the park this evening. It was a children's show, a folk-songy trio, not her cup of tea. She was patient and respectful, waited till intermission, drumming her fingers on her face, and then we split. (Desaturated to match her mood at this point in the day.)

Apart from my time with Bella, the most exciting moment of the day was when LoJardinier, who just started blipping on August 1st, sent me a short story to go with the picture I posted yesterday. His story is perfect for the picture and amplifies it tenderly, so if you can spare a moment to return again to my yesterday blip to see the new text, please do.

My favorite non-Bella picture of the day happened when I met Musing's beautiful daughter Ayin at the concert. As she stood above Bella and me, I was stunned by the light on her face and the amazing sky.

Those who are great suckers for baby-and-cat pictures can find five of them here: Mamasan and Bella drawing together. Mamasan adores Bella and wants to be part of anything she does. I love watching the two of them.

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