
By JackyMT

Our peanut stealing squirrel

Taken from afar. I love how he hangs from the branch to get to the peanuts

It's been a very pleasant day today, we got both front and back lawns cut. The back one needs a bit of repair where the above (Monty Don) has been burying peanuts. and by the looks of it digging them up too.

Got the Council Tax bill today,  thats gone up £11 a month  a bit better than Yorkshire water which has gone up £23 a month, it never ends does it

Now I have a reminder from the dentist time for my check up.

We have booked out Covid Booster for 1st April

One good thing we haven't used as much Gas and Electric this month as last so a bit less  to pay out.

Thats it folks, and it's round to grocery shopping day tomorrow, Tuesday, yet again

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