Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Ripples in a puddle

If you have a mind to, and I'm satisfied that we are not all the same, I think a puddle is a wonderful thing to sit and stare at.
Now, if there is a rain cloud around that is dropping heavy, then soft, then something in between, droplets into it...well, hours of fun!

The bird bath in the garden provided the aforementioned joy this morning. As the brazen clouds flaunted their prowess in the rain department, I stood in my coat and watched as it played out a metaphor for daily life. Calm and calamity.

On a trip to North Africa in the early 80s I met a beardy American chap (still roaming the world on the hippy trail), we discussed much as we looked at the wondrous colours in the markets. We hit upon the subject of happiness, much in the world focus these days, what with your 'happiness foundations and joy groups'. I remember his soft voice mumbling with such deep heartfelt passion, "running your fingers through summer grass back home!". Hmmm, to have wandered so far and yet find that kind of peace and longing in your back's so enchanting!

So, this morning I had the joy and peace of listening to the softest rain hitting my hood, while I watched the dancing rain make a 'merry go round' of the petals, a ballet of colour and movement......I often wonder at what my lovely young neighbours make of me!


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