
By wjm53

A small update

The ongoing saga of our incorrect deck repairs after the 2011 earthquake is still very much ongoing. We are still awaiting the final report, which was promised by March 3rd at the latest!
A phone call this morning may give us a flicker of hope. An architect is coming next week to complete a full measure of all dimensions pertaining to the house.
The top photo shows the areas that the builders exposed under the rotting deck framework. In the lower photo, everything supported by poles has to be ripped off. This includes both upper and lower decks ( including another 7 metres around the corner, which is not shown in the photo) and cladding for the whole house. They also have to expose a minimum of 1 metre into the space between floors to check for more potential damage. To date, they have estimated a minimum of $550,000 in repairs, but this could balloon out to more than $1,000,000 in the worst scenario. At that point, they will demolish the house and rebuild.  We now feel that this would be our desired outcome. The only good news is that none of this is our fault and the costs should be paid by the Eartquke Commission, nowdays known as the Natural Hazards Commission.

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